Monday, January 28, 2013

Week of January 20th 2013

This was week two after chemo number five. The doctor told Nancy to keep taking IV fluids for the three weeks in between treatments. Fortunately she can administer them to herself at home and that is working well. She continues to have chest pain, mainly caused by the bone marrow shot that is designed to keep the white blood cell count up.

She has been feeling ok and able to go to dinner and meet with friends for brief periods, but the risk of catching the flu is very concerning. That said, being confined to home gets old as one can imagine.

On Thursday we met with the surgeon to discuss the progress and next steps. The tumor is down from an estimated 7cm to 2cm; definitely opening the door for the surgeon to proceed with the surgery. The surgery (double mastectomy) is scheduled for March 7th, 2013 which happens to be her birthday.

This coming Friday, 2/1, will be the final chemo, #6 of 6. She is looking forward to getting this phase over with and moving on.

Four weeks after the surgery she will begin six weeks if radiation; five days per week. Reconstruction surgery would be six months after the final radiation.

We continue to receive wonderful support; in particular from Nancy's nursing friend at Christ Hospital and all of our family and friends.

Thanks to all who have kept us in your prayers.



  1. Nanc,
    I am excited for you - what a long battle you have been fighting! I know its not over, but all the signs look promising. Hang in there, I know you can make it.
    Let the poison they pump in you do its job and keep your eye on the smoother days to come!

    Love and prayers heading your way,

  2. Happy last chemo to you Mrs. P! Way to go !

    Hugs to you!

