Monday, January 7, 2013

Week of 12/30/2012

This was week two after the fourth chemo treatment. Fatigue continues to be the underlying issue for Nancy. To complicate the fatigue she also had a cold. The doctor gave her some antibiotics for the cold and also for a reaction she had to the last chemo.

Her eyesight has been effected by the chemo and she will wait until the the last chemo to address the issue. For now her glasses don't really work so she is just living with it.

Originally we were going out for a little while on New Years Eve but she was just too tired. Suffice it to say she is tired of being tired.

On Friday we went out for dinner with some friends and she was feeling a little better. Saturday she had no energy and so missed a Bengals' watching party....she obviously didn't miss much.

Next Friday is chemo number 5 of 6 so she is nearing the end of phase one. We are looking forward to that. We still have friends bringing food and sending cards; all of this affection is uplifting for her.

Thanks again for all of the support and prayers from our friends and family.



  1. Way to go, Mom! You're doing awesome!
    Thank you for all of the updates, Dad!
    Love, Emily

  2. Nanc - Stay positive girl! = Love & Prayers, Woody
