Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week of 11/4/2012

This was week three after the initial chemotherapy treatment and Nancy has been feeling better each day.
 Her appetite has still been somewhat weak; but she has been good about eating so she can take her medications.

On Wednesday of this week we went to the eye doctor as her vision was blurry. When she started her chemo treatment the oncologist told her she had to stop taking a certain medication she was on to prevent Sarcoidosis. This led to a return of the inflammation of the eyes and she had to have a steroid shot in her her eye and a second one in two weeks for the other eye.

She was able to go to work several times this week if only for a few hours. Crossroads Hospice has been very good to her. She met with the owners this week and they are wearing the "Team Nancy" bracelet. Their support has been wonderful.

Friday 11/9 was round two of chemotherapy. One big change was IV fluids Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This has been an effective change in the treatments. So far the plan is working as Nancy is up and moving around versus week one when she felt so bad she was nearly confined to bed.

After the burr haircut a few weeks ago, the balance of her hair is gone. She still looks good in baseball hats and scarves. With the cold evenings she wears cotton hats to keep warm.

Nancy's spirits are good most of the time and she knows she is a third of the way to finishing chemo. She is fortunate to be good friends with a nurse at Christ Hospital who administers the chemo. We are blessed three of our children are nurses and our sister-in-law is a doctor.

This week our son and his family came down from Napoleon, Ohio for a surprise visit and that was great to see them and the grandchildren.

Many friends have brought  food and desserts and that is much appreciated.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and support.



  1. You're doing great, mom! One more treatment, and you'll be half way there! Love you,


  2. What a great way to keep us all informed. Just want you to know we are thinking of you all through this ordeal. Keep up the fight.

    Love ya - Woody & Terri / Proud "Team Nancy" Members
