Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week of 10/28/2012

This was week two after the initial round of chemotherapy and Nancy has gradually been gaining some strength. She did not have to get IV fluids this week and that is good news. The doctor will plan on IV fluids in round two now that he knows that she gets dehydrated.

She was able to leave the house this week a few times which was a nice change after feeling so bad last week. Her appetite has been very slow to come back but is eating a little bit at a time. She did a little shopping and also met with some friends. She also got to spend a little time with the twins on Halloween.

The week was not without some pain/complications etc. as she experienced some reaction to the antibiotics she is taking. It seems seems one medication leads to another issue but that is apparently common with chemo.

She is anxious to get back to work and may try to go for a little while tomorrow. In the meantime her employer, Crossroads Hospice,  has been very generous and understanding. This week Crossroads set up a "home office" with a laptop and printer/scanner and access to her work. When she is strong enough she can go the office or work from home.

While everyone would agree it takes a special person to work at Hospice, we experienced this week how special people can be. Her co-workers at Crossroads have donated numerous hours of their vacation and sick time (called a time bank) to Nancy's time bank so she can maintain her full time status during this period when she cannot work......unbelievable generosity.

One of our friends loaded us up with some firewood which came in handy during the recent snow and cold weather. She has received many cards along with gifts such as scarves and lotions....all of this is very uplifting.

Round two of six chemo treatments is this Friday, 11/9, so she hopes to make the most of this week since she is feeling a little better.

We continue to appreciate your prayers and support.



1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you, Mom!!
