Monday, April 1, 2013

Week of March 24th

Nancy was feeling a little better this week and was able to get out of the house several times.

We met with the radiologist team on Thursday. They made a mold for her to lay in while they radiate her over the next five to six weeks. She will go five days per week.

They also made markings on her so each time she goes in, she lays in the exact spot so when they radiate it hits the exact spots the doctor maps out.

She also had a follow up CT scan. The radiologist noticed an internal part of the port has moved (which Nancy already knew)  and asked to have it fixed;  meaning another surgery this Wednesday.

The radiologist said it may take her ten days to develop a plan of how she will radiate the cancer.

Once the markings and mold are made, a computer program is developed so they radiate the exact spots the doctor has determined need to be radiated. The system will hits the exact spots each time during radiation.

The radiologist also gave Nancy approval to start back on her eye medicine so we are hoping her eyesight will come back.

Thanks once again to everyone for the continuing prayers and support.


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